The liposuction is very widespread procedure today; it is used for thinning and giving of a contour to concrete areas of a body.

It can be used for removal of undesirable fat in hips, knees, buttocks, a stomach, a waist, flanok, hands, a back, a breast, a chin and a neck. The liposuction can be executed separately or in combination with other procedures, such as plasticity of a stomach (abdominoplastik), esthetic and reconstructive a mammary gland operations. Roman Romanovich carries out a liposuction on all body, recreating new forms and contours of areas of a body a lot of fat. Small cuts strategically asymmetrically settle down in the hidden places.


  • The liposuction is carried out both under the general, and under local anesthesia.
  • Duration of surgery: 30 min. – 2 hours depending on intervention volume.
  • Stay in hospital: 1 days.

When performing a liposuction Roman Romanovich uses both traditional methods of a lipoaspiration, and the newest techniques of WAL – water assisted liposuction allowing to execute procedure quicker and thereby provide an accelerated rehabilitation period.


  • Procedure doesn't demand long rehabilitation and can be executed in out-patient conditions.
  • At large volume liposuctions a patient stays in a hospital within a day.
  • Stiches are removed after 4-6 days.
  • Bruises and oedema pass within 1,5-2 weeks.
  • After removal of fat patients are given recommendations to carry compression linen to help new contours of a body to take final desirable shape.
Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson