Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery that aims at correcting the shape of the abdomen.

During the surgery eliminates the excess of subcutaneous fat, skin, and divergence of direct muscles of a stomach. Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck removal, is aimed at correcting stretched abdominal muscles, removal of stretch marks, wrinkles and other unwanted changes after childbirth, caesarean section, eating disorders, hormonal failure of the system and other factors. During the operation removed not only fat, but muscle tissue is stretched, allowing the patient attain a normal physique. Indications for abdominoplasty are pendulous belly; the laxity of the anterior abdominal wall; the diastase of the abdominal muscles; excess fat tissue.


  • The surgery is performed under General anesthesia.
  • In the course of surgery the surgeon performs an incision in the lower abdomen above the pubis on the hairline.
  • As a result, the seam is invisible under clothes.
  • Duration of surgery: 1.5-3 hours.
  • Stay in hospital: 1-2 days .

Roman Romanovich performs the tummy tuck technique Dr. Cédric A. George, which takes into account structural features of the lymphatic system of the anterior abdominal wall. The persistence of certain subcutaneous structures (responsible for the outflow and distribution of interstitial fluid) intact during surgery, to avoid such frequent complications as seroma (accumulation of tissue fluid under the skin) and poor healing of surgical site.


  • The recovery period after the intervention takes place individually.
  • Removal of stitches takes place after about 10-14 days.
  • Within 1.5-2 months, patients are recommended to wear a compression corset.
  • During the rehabilitation period you should avoid physical exertion.
Love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson